The common tools like TOAD or SQL-Developer have an option to dump their query results directly into Excel or a CSV file (or various other formats). It seems to work well for relatively small data sets, but when it gets to be hundreds of thousands or millions of rows, it seems like people regularly have problems making it work. The following is a solution that I've given out and trusted in these situations.
Basically, we kick off a script via SQLPlus that runs the query and directly spools the output to a CSV file. The script below is an example of how to make this work. Once you have a query that returns the data you desire past it in as the source query at the indicated place in the script.
Notice that this script will spool or write the results into a file named "Unloaded-Data.csv". Change this to any desired file name.
You have the option of writing a "Headings" row at the first of the file -- edit that part to include all the column names and make sure that you enclose them both in single and double quotes as shown. If you don't want headings that piece can be deleted.
In your source query it's a good idea to explicitly format dates with the "TO_CHAR( )" function. Use a format that Excel will readily recognize ( the one that I prefer is 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' even though different ones are used in the example below). Also, for testing you may wish to include a row limiter in your where clause "and rownum < 50" -- this way you can test the CSV creation process without waiting for millions of rows to be written to the file.
As you can see at the end of the query, it produces a CSV record by concatenating quotes around and commas between the column values of your query. Edit this to include all the columns, in the order you prefer, from the source query that you just pasted in.
prompt ********** UnLoading Data ********** WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- pagesize 0 = Turns off the default of splitting the results into sections. -- heading off = Turns off column headings. -- feedback off = Turns off any feedback. ( ie: "20 Rows Returned" ) -- trimspool on = Trims off extra spaces at the end of each line. -- linesize 32767 = Makes sure that a line (row of data) can be really long. -- termout off = Do not show the data in the SQL-Plus window (much faster). -- verify off = Do not show the substitution variable replacement values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set pagesize 0 set heading off set feedback off set trimspool on set linesize 32767 set termout off set verify off -------------------------------------------------- -- Unload the data to the following CSV file. -------------------------------------------------- spool Unloaded-Data.csv -------------------------------------------------- -- Write a column "Headers" row to the CSV file. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- List all the column headers that you wish to put in the CSV file. -- They do NOT need to be the same as the column values from the query. -- Make sure each one is enclosed by single and double quotes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- select '"FULL_NAME_"' ||','|| '"PROCEDURE_DATE"' ||','|| '"PROCEDURE_ID"' ||','|| '"ENCOUNTER_ID"' ||','|| '"PROCEDURE_DSC"' ||','|| '"ROOM_ID"' ||','|| '"HEIGHT"' ||','|| '"CHARGE_AMT"' ||','|| '"BIRTHDAY"' ||','|| '"BLOOD_TYPE"' ||','|| '"PHONE"' ||','|| '"INSURANCE_ID"' ------- as optional_header_row from dual ; -------------------------------------------------- -- The source Query in a WITH clause and -- one CSV formatted column of all the values. -------------------------------------------------- with source_query as ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Source Query goes here. -- This selects and formats the data as you want in the CSV file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- select initcap(p.last_nm)||', '||initcap(p.first_nm) as full_name_str , to_char(c.procedure_dts,'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI am') as procedure_date_str , c.procedure_id as procedure_id_no , c.encounter_id as encounter_id_no , c.procedure_dsc as procedure_dsc_str , e.room_id as room_id_str , e.pt_height_inches_val as height_no , e.total_charge_amt as charge_amt_no , to_char(p.birth_dt,'MM/DD/YYYY') as birthday_str , p.blood_type_cd as blood_type_str , p.phone_txt as phone_str , p.insurance_id as insurance_id_no from train.xyz_procedure c left join train.xyz_encounter e on ( c.encounter_id = e.encounter_id ) left join train.xyz_patient p on ( e.patient_id = p.patient_id ) where nvl( e.total_charge_amt, 0 ) < 1000 order by p.last_nm, p.first_nm, c.procedure_dts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ) ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- List all the columns that you want to include. It encloses -- each value in double quotes and separates them with commas. ---------------------------------------------------------------- select '"'|| full_name_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| procedure_date_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| procedure_id_no ||'"' ||','||'"'|| encounter_id_no ||'"' ||','||'"'|| procedure_dsc_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| room_id_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| height_no ||'"' ||','||'"'|| charge_amt_no ||'"' ||','||'"'|| birthday_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| blood_type_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| phone_str ||'"' ||','||'"'|| insurance_id_no ||'"' ------------ as csv_data_row from source_query ; -------------------------------------------------- -- Close the CSV file and terminate the script. -------------------------------------------------- spool off set termout on prompt *********** Finished CSV *********** exit
Now all you need to do is run the script. One easy way to do this is to create a folder and put two scripts there. For this example place the previous script in the folder and name it "CSVunload.sql". Create another script called "Go.bat" and put into it the following contents. The one important line of this script is the one that starts with "sqlplus". Edit this line an put in your appropriate 'username' and 'dbsid' (database identifier). Make sure the script name after the second "@" matches your previous SQL script name. Now, just double-click on the "Go.bat" file and enter your password (it pauses to ask you for that).
@echo off echo ============================= echo == Unloading Data to CSV == echo ============================= echo. sqlplus -s "username @ dbsid" @CSVunload.sql SET myerror=%errorlevel% IF /I '%myerror%'=='0' GOTO TagOK echo. echo *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* echo *=* ERROR ! The Dump to CSV Failed ! *=* echo *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* echo. GOTO TagAllDone :TagOK echo. echo Dump to CSV completed OK. echo. :TagAllDone pause
Remember that millions of rows may take a while to download and write to the file. When it finishes it should say that it completed OK. Excel by default will open a CSV file (it will look just like a normal Excel file) -- then if you desire you can 'save-as' an Excel type file. Even though I like CSV files much better.
Here is one more example that will stop and prompt the user for three parameters to use in the query. It asks for an owner search string, a date, and a number. Then in the query it shows you how to use those 3 parameters to limit the result set. Note that when you prompt for a parameter "s_date" then in the query you use it with 2 ampersands and a period: "&&s_date."
These substitution variables work by replacing the "&&s_date." in the query with the exact text they contain before the query is submitted to the Oracle engine.
This script is provided without all the comments -- also note that the main query doesn't use a "WITH" clause -- either way should work fine.
prompt accept s_own_srch prompt 'Enter which owners (search string): ' prompt accept s_anlz_dt prompt 'Enter begin date for Last-Analyzed YYYY-MM-DD: ' prompt accept s_row_ct prompt 'Enter the MIN row count: ' prompt prompt ********** UnLoading Data ********** prompt WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE set pagesize 0 set heading off set feedback off set trimspool on set linesize 32767 set termout off set verify off
spool Unloaded-Data.csv select '"owner"' ||','|| '"table_name"' ||','|| '"tablespace_name"' ||','|| '"last_analyzed"' ||','|| '"num_rows"' ------- as optional_header_row from dual ; select '"'|| owner ||'"' ||','||'"'|| table_name ||'"' ||','||'"'|| tablespace_name ||'"' ||','||'"'|| last_analyzed ||'"' ||','||'"'|| num_rows ||'"' ------------ as csv_data_row from ( ----------------------------------------- -- Source Query Here ----------------------------------------- select owner , table_name , tablespace_name , to_char ( last_analyzed , 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS' ) as last_analyzed , num_rows from all_tables where owner like upper('%'|| '&&s_own_srch.' ||'%') and last_analyzed > to_date('&&s_anlz_dt.', 'YYYY-MM-DD') and num_rows > &&s_row_ct. order by owner , table_name ----------------------------------------- ) ; spool off set termout on prompt *********** Finished CSV *********** exit
Enjoy your day(ta)!