Table of Contents
Aggregated Lists: Creating Aggregated List Strings - ListAgg() Function.
Aggregated Lists: Decomposing an Aggregated List of Values (De-ListAgg).
Analytic Functions: LAG( ) -- Grab a value from a previous row.
Analytic Functions: Rank() Dense_Rank() and Row_Number().
Dates: Grouping date-time values into (n) minute buckets.
Date-Time: Calculate & Display a Date-Time Duration as Days-HH:MM:SS.
Hierarchical Queries, A Self-Referencing table, Using the "Connect By" Clause.
Overlapping Intervals (both numeric or date): Do they overlap? By how much?
RegExp: Use Regular Expressions to Extract Values from CSV-Type String Records.
SQL-Loader: The Step by Step Basics - Example 1 (CSV file).
SQL-Loader: The Step by Step Basics - Example 2 (fixed-field).
SQL-Loader: Using SQL-Loader to Load CSV Data Into an Oracle Table.
SQL-to-CSV: Using a SQL query to dump data directly to a CSV file.
Tricks and Tips: Creating a Character-Based Bar-Graph.
Update: Updating Values in a main table using Look-UP values from a secondary table.
WITH Clause: Sub-queries and Sub-query Factoring (Great for sample or test data!)
WITH Clause: Using the Recursive Query Ability of the WITH Clause.
Using the Decode() Function to Interpret Inequalities.
Inline Functions (declared within a SQL Query).
Selecting Top(n) or Nth ranked rows (Top-N Analysis)
Fun - Prime Factorization
Fun - Query Generated Calendar