/* --- code --- */ WITH w_data as ( select 1 id, 'Albert' nm, null prnt from dual union all select 2 , 'Rhonda' , null from dual union all select 3 , 'Ralph' , 1 from dual union all select 4 , 'Erma' , 1 from dual union all select 5 , 'Leopold' , 2 from dual union all select 6 , 'Zanthia' , 3 from dual union all select 7 , 'Reginald' , 3 from dual union all select 8 , 'Hillary' , 4 from dual union all select 9 , 'Orpheus' , 4 from dual union all select 10 , 'Linda' , 4 from dual union all select 11 , 'Ronald' , 5 from dual union all select 12 , 'Deborah' , 5 from dual union all select 13 , 'Andrew' , 6 from dual union all select 14 , 'Maggie' , 6 from dual union all select 15 , 'Fletcher' , 6 from dual union all select 16 , 'Wanda' , 7 from dual union all select 17 , 'Dexter' , 8 from dual union all select 18 , 'Thelma' , 9 from dual union all select 19 , 'Wilson' , 9 from dual union all select 20 , 'Amanda' , 10 from dual union all select 21 , 'Thor' , 10 from dual union all select 22 , 'Glenda' , 11 from dual union all select 23 , 'Norman' , 11 from dual union all select 24 , 'Edith' , 11 from dual union all select 25 , 'Arvid' , 12 from dual union all select 26 , 'Wilma' , 12 from dual union all select 27 , 'Frederic' , 12 from dual union all select 28 , 'Unice' , 12 from dual ) select * from w_data ;
Now, here's a simple query that uses the prior data and constructs a hierarchical list that clearly shows the parent-child connections. An explanation and the sample output follows. To run this query, combine the sample data from the WITH clause above with the query below.
/* --- code --- */ /* Include the WITH clause sample data from above here. */ select lpad( level, level*2 ) as "Level" , level , id , nm , prnt , sys_connect_by_path( nm , ', ' ) as "Path" from w_data START WITH ( id in (1,2) ) CONNECT BY ( prnt = PRIOR id ) ;
The components of the query are described below:
"START WITH" The query needs to know how to locate the top record or records in the hierarchy. In this case it specifically states that the ID number must be in the list: (1,2). Any properly formed condition would work:
- START WITH (prnt is NULL) -- those who don't have a parent listed
- START WITH (nm='Albert' or nm='Rhonda') -- a list of specific names
- START WITH (id in ( select id from w_data where prnt is NULL )) -- even a query can work
- START WITH (id in (3,9))
- START WITH (nm in ('Linda'.'Reginald')
- CONNECT BY (prnt = PRIOR id)
- CONNECT BY (PRIOR id = prnt)
"LEVEL" is a key word that indicates how deep that particular row will occur in the hierarchy. Note that the second column simply displays the "LEVEL" value where the first column uses the "LEVEL" value to print itself with additional spacing as it goes deeper & deeper into the hierarchy. This gives a nice visual component to the hierarchy that allows us to easily see its structure.
"SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH" is a hierarchical function that returns the complete path from the top record to the current record. In this case we are looking at a list of comma separated names. If we would like to see the path as "ID" numbers, we could use the following:
- sys_connect_by_path(id,'/')
Here are a few other things you can do with simple Connect-By queries:
/* --- code --- */ WITH w_data as ( select 1 id, 'Albert' nm, null prnt from dual union all select 2 , 'Rhonda' , null from dual union all select 3 , 'Ralph' , 1 from dual union all select 4 , 'Erma' , 1 from dual union all select 5 , 'Leopold' , 2 from dual union all select 6 , 'Zanthia' , 3 from dual union all select 7 , 'Reginald' , 3 from dual union all select 8 , 'Hillary' , 4 from dual union all select 9 , 'Ronald' , 5 from dual union all select 10 , 'Deborah' , 5 from dual ) SELECT lpad( level, level*3 ) as "Level" , id , nm , prnt , substr(sys_connect_by_path(nm,', '),3) as "Path" , connect_by_root nm as top_boss , connect_by_isleaf as lowest from w_data START WITH ( id in (1,2) ) CONNECT BY ( prnt = PRIOR id ) order siblings by id ;
First of all, we've fixed the leading comma in the "Path" column by using a substring function.
"CONNECT_BY_ROOT" This opperator simply gives us the name, id number, or whatever it is we specify for the top-level record of the current hierarchy.
"CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF" is a 0/1 flag that simply tells us if the current row is the lowest one on this branch of the hierarchy.
"ORDER SIBLINGS BY" is just a modified version of the normal "Order By" clause. This allows us to order the sibling records of any parent by one of the attributes. In this example we may want to order the siblings by either id number or name. Notice below that Ralph and Erma are siblings and we have specified ordering them by id (3, 4). If we changed to ordering them by name then Erma's entire branch would come before Ralph's.
And finally, in the following example, we've selected all the "ID" numbers that are never listed as parents and used this as our "START WITH" values. We're going to walk-the-tree backwards, or turn the hierarchy upside-down. The only other thing we need to change is the "PRIOR" key word -- we'll now place it in front of the "prnt" column. This effectively reverses our hierarchy.
/* --- code --- */ WITH w_data as ( select 1 id, 'Albert' nm, null prnt from dual union all select 2 , 'Rhonda' , null from dual union all select 3 , 'Ralph' , 1 from dual union all select 4 , 'Erma' , 1 from dual union all select 5 , 'Leopold' , 2 from dual union all select 6 , 'Zanthia' , 3 from dual union all select 7 , 'Reginald' , 3 from dual union all select 8 , 'Hillary' , 4 from dual union all select 9 , 'Ronald' , 5 from dual union all select 10 , 'Deborah' , 5 from dual ) SELECT lpad( level, level*3 ) as "Level" , id , nm , prnt , substr(sys_connect_by_path(nm,', '),3) as "Path" , connect_by_root nm as top_boss , connect_by_isleaf as lowest from w_data START WITH (id in (select id from w_data minus select prnt from w_data)) CONNECT BY ( PRIOR prnt = id ) order siblings by id ;
Note the results. Lowest members now are listed at the #1 level and the path walks its way down to the original parents at the bottom.
Gr8 Sharing dude... Thanks for giving such a detailed explanation on this connect by related stuffs.